Jyoti Shines A Light: Michaela Pujas
We are thrilled to introduce a beautiful soul to our Jyoti Family that shares our special love for creating deep harmony in the mind, body and spirit. Welcome, Michaela Pujals!
Michaela Pujals incorporates literature, neuroscience, carefully constructed movement and meditation techniques into her practice and teaching. She is committed to natural healing in a way that builds strength, encourages mobility, speeds recovery, reinforces neurofunction and reconnects you to the divine being that you are.
As an energy healer, Michaela intuitively creates sequences that are ideal for the body and mind specific to any given day, week, season or space in time. She shares messages and themes from collective consciousness helping unite and enliven the spirit that dwells within.
Michaela is certified in yoga, energy healing and reiki which are only a few things that make her an amazing asset to our expanding family.
Keep scrolling to learn more about Michaela before you reserve a space for her invigorating open-level vinyasa flows here…
What made you fall in love with taking care of your body?
As a lifelong athlete, I love feeling strong, connected and comfortable in my body. Every day has presented (and continues to present) a new challenge in building strength, endurance, mobility, recovery, alignment and healing. I am lucky to have learned so much over the years of training with amazing coaches, physical therapists, athletes and more.
After competing and pushing my mind and body for so long, college called for a time of surrender and reconnection back to my truest self. I was determined to truly understand, re-connect, and heal the inner workings of the body and mind. My passion drove me to study nutrition, neuroscience, metaphysics, anatomy and physiology and incorporate what I learn into my yoga practice. I was even honored to be a Teacher Assistant for Ashtanga Yoga at Binghamton University, and absolutely fell in love with the practice in its entirety.
Being an Ocean Lifeguard pushes me to keep my body in shape and injury-free to ensure optimum performance. Growing up swimming several per week, a sport very involved with mindful movement and breath, naturally guided me to something similar and beautoful- the practice of Yoga. After teaching for 6 years and seeing the world through a new lens, I have been inspired and fascinated with metaphysics, medical mediums and energy healing.
What inspires you most?
I love the word inspiration. I majored in French Language & Literature at Binghamton University and took many Linguistic and Phonetics classes. Language is truly so amazing when you look at a word’s origin. From the root of the word ‘inspire’ it quite literally means: in-spirit. To be in your spirit means to be inspired by something (a feeling you can barely describe). I’d say some of my most meaningful inspirations are Nature, Animals, my Dad, and Art in all forms.
What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
“Our biography becomes our biology.” – Caroline Myss
Any advice from her or Anodea Judith, Dr. Dispenza, Dr. Wayne Dyer and Carl Jung is extremely moving.
How do you ignite your inner light?
My inner light is best ignited by morning tea, Vitamin D, nature, long talks, hiking, meditation, art, surfing and snowboarding.