Simple Steps to Support Wellness
Are you feeling like it’s difficult to cultivate the motivation necessary to set (and execute) new goals lately? This can be a challenging and confusing time, so remember, we’re all in this together. Take a peak at what our founder and fearless leader, Marie Chindamo, has to say about keeping your mind and body sharp when things get tough!
Dear Marie,
I feel like I have hit a plateau in my life. I know I am very blessed. I am in a great marriage. I have been with my current company for 7 years, and I am in great health. I worked hard to get where I am in life. However, the past six months I have been feeling stagnant, and even more so the past three months during this quarantine. I don’t have the drive I once had, and I am finding it difficult to get the motivation for self-care. I have been working from home these past few months and actually have the time since I am not commuting, but I can’t seem to make it a priority. I can start to see small changes in my body, and I am concerned that I may start to lose the benefits of what I gained during my previously structured and disciplined ways.
Susan P.
Dear Susan,
What you are experiencing is a common problem. A sudden shift in our previously regimented life can be a well-deserved break at first, but then we struggle with holding ourselves accountable to take action on the tasks that we don’t have to do but know we should. I recommend that you start by ensuring you have a structure in your work routine. Set parameters on your work hours and avoid answering noncritical emails outside those time frames. Strive to go to bed a little earlier, even if you don’t seem tired. Adequate rest is vital to your mental and physical health.
As the body becomes accustomed to a more docile lifestyle, you start to perpetuate that submissiveness. Your fascia becomes tighter (creating fascial adhesions). The fluids in your body do not move as freely, and it has an overall impact on your neuroreceptors (specifically your proprioceptors and interoceptors) which can make you feel out of touch with your emotions and also inhibit your effectiveness when your react to your outer and inner experiences. Start to ease back into a routine of dedicated movement. Commit the first 30 minutes (at minimum) of your morning to your physical self. You do not necessarily have to go out and run 3 miles, just simple stretching and deep breathing is a great way to start your day. Releasing fascial adhesions is like clearing out the cobwebs between the muscles, allowing them to slide and glide more efficiently, increasing hydration and eliminating toxins. Fascia health has a direct impact on our emotional state. One of the many reasons why yoga is so effective is because it gently stretches your fascia.
I also recommend that you spend time each day addressing your emotional wellness. End your day with reflection. How would you relive today if you had a chance? What do you want to accomplish tomorrow? What are you grateful for? It is helpful to keep a journal. When we write these thoughts, we externalize them and increase the likelihood that we will manifest the desired outcome. As you reflect, pay attention to your breath. Full, slow, deep breaths trigger our nervous system into parasympathetic state, the “rest & digest” function of our central nervous system – as opposed to the “fight & flight” sympathetic function.
You have created a great life and cannot only sustain it but also achieve new goals. Reflect on the choices and habits that supported your past achievements. Start to employ at least one of those prior habits to reignite your motivation to set and work toward new milestones.
Marie Chindamo
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